Process Hazard Analysis Certification Courses

Taught by the Icarus-ORM process safety engineers with over 10,000 hours of faciliation on real-life projects.

More than a physical on-site class

Whether you are a process engineer, control room operator or project manager, you’ll be taking your decision-making skills to the next level with this course. Each lesson is designed to be extremely practical, visual and fun. In addition, you can learn the content on your own time rather than in a compressed schedule. You also don’t have to leave your office to attend a physical class, because this course covers all the content and more.

Real world examples and techniques that you can apply tomorrow

If you’re looking for the best place to apply the powerful techniques of HAZOP, LOPA and SIL studies, start with this course today.

30 Days Money-Back Guarantee

If you're not satisfied we'll give you your money back. That's it.

ZERO RISK - Our course comes with a powerful guarantee to let you try it risk-free. If in 30 days you don't feel satisfied, just email us at and we'll give you your money back. No questions asked.

Certificate of Completion

Differentiate yourself and stand out as a top performer.

Easily share your accomplishments with our downloadable and verifiable certificates.

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